
What ornamental shrubs bloom all summer: how to decorate the garden

Yulia PoteriankoLife
These bushes are very decorative for the garden, but at the same time will not need a lot of care

Flowering bushes are one of the most beautiful decorations of the garden. From them you can form hedges, and you can collect entire compositions. In this case, the greenery and flowers of bushes are located quite low - at eye level. And bloom different species can bloom at different times.

OBOZREVATEL collected a list of decorative bushes that will please with flowers in the garden throughout the summer. Each of them has its own season, but all together they bloom from early warmth to the first cold.

Mock-orange (Philadelphus)

It is not very tall (up to 3 meters) winter-hardy shrub, distinguished by extremely fragrant flowers. Depending on the variety, the bush blooms in May-July. Mock-orange likes sunny areas and requires regular pruning of old and damaged shoots.


The main advantages of this low shrub are its absolute unpretentiousness combined with high decorative value. In spring it blooms with countless flowers of snow-white color and looks like a live firework. Summer varieties bloom pink. Depending on the variety, spireas bloom from May to October. They need annual pruning.


All species of cinquefoil are frost resistant and do not require complicated and burdensome care. These shrubs not only bloom beautifully, but also have decorative leaves that can be either green or silver. It blooms with white yellow, orange, pink and red flowers. Lupus likes well-drained soil and responds well to pruning. The flowering season is from May through August.

Rugosa rose (Rosa rugosa)

This plant is also called rosehip, which is not a mistake - they belong to the same genus. Flowers at the bush can be white, soft pink, purple yellow and even burgundy and crimson. The flowering season falls on June-July. To keep the plant's decorative qualities, it should be regularly trimmed and the tops pinched - this will help to form a lush crown.


The fragrant flowers of this shrub attract insect pollinators, so it is good to place it close to vegetable beds. However, buddleia is also well suited for gardens and hedges. It is a rather sensitive plant that needs to be covered for winter, especially in frosty periods, and also provided with regular watering, well-drained soil and sunlight. Ornamental shrub blooms in the second half of summer.

St. John's wort (Hypericum)

A distinctive feature of the bushes of this species (and there are also herbaceous St. John's Wort) are the bright yellow flowers, with which they are covered in mid-summer and which can last until the cold weather. The plant likes sunny places and tolerates drought and not very rich soils well. Another advantage of St. John's wort is its resistance to disease. The plant is good for forming hedges - it gives a large green mass and lends itself well to pruning.


This plant from the hydrangea family blooms with flowers ranging from white to pink to red. It can be either a bush or a small tree 4-5 meters tall. Deicia grows not only in the open ground, but also feels well in containers, so it can be decorated balconies and terraces. The plant has no significant requirements for climate and soil, it blooms long and lush in late spring - early summer.


This type of plant pleases with a variety of forms - bushes can be both low and high. The color of the flowers is white, pink, red, purple. Decorative in the plant are also leaves. Flowering time varies depending on the variety - it can be both the second half of spring and the summer months. Flowers can be both very small and form large, up to 30 cm inflorescences. But rhododendrons bloom very brightly.


A plant with unusual flowers came to us from Australia and Oceania. They are evergreen shrubs and trees that bloom with brush-like inflorescences. The colors of the flowers range from red to yellow. Callistemon blooms in the summer. The plant needs a lot of sunlight and well-moisturized soil. Butterflies and bees are happy to fly to its flowers.

Earlier OBOZREVATEL told what flowers will withstand even very unfavorable conditions and will thrive in the garden.

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