
With a tank on stage and a military choir: how Russia hinted at war in Ukraine while hosting Eurovision in 2009

The 54th Eurovision Song Contest in 2009 was hosted by the terrorist country of Russia, as the year before, Putin's Dima Bilan had won the victory and the opportunity to hold the show in Moscow at the "Olimpiyskiy" sports complex. Usually, the host country in this case prepares discoveries that carry historical and cultural heritage, but Russia could only boast of military equipment and even hinted at a war in Ukraine.

Such conclusions can be drawn by reviewing the performances organized by the Russian Federation 15 years ago in 2024. OBOZ.UA analyzed these performances and drew attention to the telling details.

The semifinals of that year, which also attracted the attention of millions of people around the world, began with a performance by a military choir. Dozens of men in uniform stood in three rows, singing wartime songs, such as "Katyusha."

On the stage, a tank and an airplane, which Russia is now actively using to kill Ukrainians, were placed on either side of the stage. The vehicles were painted in colors, disguising military ambitions with bright and kind images.

The performance also featured sword-fighting warriors, whose performance was very reminiscent of a war hopak. In general, the whole opening screamed about the aggression of the host country and its readiness for active hostilities.

The military was immediately followed by an image of a spiky field and a blue sky, a direct reference to the Ukrainian flag. Perhaps even then, the Kremlin was already imposing propaganda ideas about "Ukraine as part of the Russian Federation" on the world.

The final of the competition, which was opened to the bloody inscription "Moscow," was no less eloquent. Soviet symbols were also present. Red stars could be seen on the screens during the opening of the final.

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