

Stanislav Kozhemyakin

Stanislav Kozhemyakin

Journalist, editor. Cryptocurrency market analyst
112 articles
Short biography

In the media since 2014. I worked for News Network, MigNews, Segodnya.ua, UNIAN agency and JN1 TV channel. I am interested in the history of the ancient Middle East, I am fond of British cinema, I believe that one day cryptocurrency will replace the hryvnia.

Work experience:

  • 2021 - UNIAN website editor.

  • 2018-2021 editor of the World section of theToday website.

Editor of the economy section since November 2021.

National University of Bioresources and Nature Management, Biotechnology, biotechnologist, 2011.

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Trade in agricultural products between Ukraine and the EU has reached a maximum

This has never happened before in history: Ukraine sets a record for trade with the EU

Trade surplus with the EU reaches billions of dollars