
US closes Russian visa center and deprives Russian diplomats of tax privileges

Daria DurovaWorld
Two Russian visa centers to be closed in the US. Source: RosZmі

The United States has decided to close both branches of the Russian visa center in Washington and New York. The diplomats of the aggressor state have already been informed of this.

In addition, Russian diplomats will have their "tax exemption cards" revoked. This was reported by the Russian service of Radio Liberty, citing Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov.

He was outraged that after the closure of the visa center, "Russian diplomats and consuls" would have an additional burden on their shoulders.

Antonov called the decision on taxes a "petty, nasty attack" by the United States.

The Russian also said that the US administration allegedly did not explain the reasons for its decisions.

As OBOZ.UA previously reported, NATO's Allied Commander Europe, General Christopher Cavoli, said earlier that regardless of how the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine ends, Moscow will be a threat to the West for many years. Moreover, the United States and Europe will face an even bigger and stronger Russia than it is now.

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