
"Take his microphone away": Putin found the "culprit" of Middle East escalation and was harshly mocked

Ivanna ShepelWorld
Putin comments on the Israeli-Palestinian war

The President of the aggressor state of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has commented on the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel for the first time. The Russian dictator called the Israeli-Palestinian war a vivid example of the "failure of US policy."

The Russian president said this during a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, Russian media reported. According to Putin, the military conflict was caused by the fact that the United States "ignored the interests of the Palestinian people" in its policy in the Middle East.

"The United States put pressure on both sides. Sometimes on one, sometimes on the other. But each time without taking into account the fundamental interests of the Palestinian people. First of all, the implementation of the UN Security Council's decisions on the creation of an independent sovereign Palestinian state," Vladimir Putin said.

However, most Russians disagreed with Putin's accusations against the United States and ridiculed the Russian dictator, who tried to blame Western countries and the United States for any international conflicts.

"Of course, grandpa, take your pills and go to bed"; "As if there are no other countries at all, only Russia and the United States"; "Blame the West in any awkward situations"; "Take his microphone away already"; "Partners have deceived him again"; "What does the United States have to do with it?", users wrote.

As a reminder, Stoltenberg called on Western countries not to let Putin win in Ukraine. This would mean new aggression and even more violence. According to him, the risks of escalation, which make some European countries extremely cautious about supplying the Ukrainian army with weapons, pale against the threats the world will face if Russia wins in Ukraine.

Earlier, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called for an end to the war on Ukraine's terms. He is convinced that "Putin must understand that you cannot divide the world map into 'yours' and 'ours'.

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