
Slovenia sounds the alarm at the UN: Prime Minister Robert Golob explains why Ukraine war should not be ignored

Olha LipychWorld
Robert Golob urges not to ignore Ukraine war. Source: Dr. Robert Golob / Facebook

The Prime Minister of Slovenia Robert Golob urged not to ignore Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which has been going on for more than three years, as this could result in other potential conflicts around the world.

The head of the country's government said this during his speech at the UN General Assembly on Friday, September 27. He said that if we do not take into account the war in Ukraine, similar wars will take place in other countries.

"What we are witnessing in Ukraine is the aggression of a stronger and more powerful neighbor against a smaller and weaker one. This is certainly a blatant violation of the UN Charter. If we allow this aggression to go on, we will open the door to many similar wars around the world," he said.

Golob also stated the need to reform the UN Security Council, of which Russia is a permanent member. According to him, the normal work of this body is actually blocked, as five permanent members abuse the veto and put national interests first.

The head of the Slovenian government believes that it is necessary to create a Security Council that corresponds to the modern world.

"We urgently need a Council that is a true representation of the international community. A Council that is in line with the modern world. We must ensure a fair distribution of seats. The Council needs stronger voices from regions that have been underrepresented, such as the African continent. The reform of the Council's composition should be accompanied by the reform of the veto," Golob said.

Earlier, President of Poland Andrzej Duda said that Russia does not meet the role of a permanent member of the UN Security Council. The politician emphasized that Russia should be responsible for peace in the world, but it is an aggressor that brutally attacked sovereign Ukraine.

At the same time, Duda admitted that there are no legal grounds that could deprive Moscow of membership in the organization.

As reported, the US State Department said that it is very difficult to get Russia expelled from the UN Security Council. Many demanded this since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, but so far to no avail. In the context of Ukraine, Washington focuses on things that are possible.

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