
She begged for help for hours on end: a 33-year-old Ukrainian woman was found dead in Italy after being abused by her Russian partner. Photo

Maryna LisnychukWorld
A Ukrainian woman was found dead in Italy

A 33-year-old Ukrainian woman, Marta-Maria Ohryzko, tragically died in Italy after falling on a slope near the trailer where she lived with a Russian man, Illia B. She had repeatedly been the victim of violence from him, and before her death, she had been calling and texting him for six hours, hoping for help from him.

Law enforcement officers detained a Russian citizen who expressed hatred for his partner's Ukrainian family on charges of ill-treatment. The details of the case were reported by the website of the RaiNews 24 TV channel.

Ukrainian Marta-Maria Ohryzko was originally from Lviv. In Italy, she lived in the area of the Vatolier waterfront in the municipality of Barano d'Ischia on the volcanic island of Ischia. Her partner was a 41-year-old Russian man, Illia B. As it turned out, he repeatedly beat her, which led her to file police reports, but then she withdrew them and returned to her husband.

On the morning of July 14, Marta was found dead in a ravine near their trailer. At first, it was assumed that she had wandered away from home and then fallen from a height of about two meters onto an isolated road nearby.

"But her companion would have raised the alarm... An autopsy will dispel doubts about the woman's death," the first local media reports said.

Later, an examination showed that the deceased's body bore marks characteristic of both a fall and beatings. The journalists found out that the Russian and the Ukrainian woman were constantly quarreling, and her husband did not even allow her to communicate with her family "because of their Ukrainian nationality."

At the same time, the Russian allegedly reported Marta's disappearance himself. After interrogation and a check of his phone, it turned out that the woman had asked him for help: she called and sent messages on WhatsApp. He ignored all these requests for six hours while she was dying.

"According to a check of the mobile phone used by the 41-year-old man, the woman sent a series of calls and messages to her partner on the afternoon of Saturday, July 13. These were desperate requests for help from a woman who had fallen on the road near where they lived together. Despite them, the suspect took no action to rescue her," Italian media reports.

During the interrogation, the Russian citizen said that on the night of July 13-14, he went out to look for his partner and found her still alive among the vegetation, saying that "she would have to spend the night there."

"The woman apparently died in very slow agony and was found lifeless the next morning by the same 41-year-old man," the investigators stated, adding that the Russian was eventually arrested on charges of cruelty.

As part of the investigations conducted by the Carabinieri and coordinated by the Naples Public Prosecutor's Office, some episodes of ill-treatment suffered by Marta Maria Ohryzko were "reconstructed". According to them, during their relationship, the Russian repeatedly attacked her, punched and slapped her, and threatened her with death with a knife. He also isolated her from her own family because they are Ukrainian citizens. On several occasions, the woman had to seek help at the emergency room of the Lakko Ameno Hospital.

"Once he burned her clothes and deliberately threw her into the fire, causing second-degree burns to her buttocks, arms, and stomach. He did not allow her to meet and see family members whom he hated as a Russian because they were Ukrainian. In one case, according to the victim's sister, he insulted them by calling them "sh*tty Ukrainians who should die," Italian media reports say.

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