
"We are building up our capabilities": Zelensky assured that the war will end with Ukrainian victory. Video

Zelensky explained why Ukraine should win

In his address to the Ukrainian people on the evening of October 26, President Volodymyr Zelensky noted that our country is increasing its defense capabilities every day. This will lead to the fact that Ukraine will eventually defeat the Russian occupiers, who have been waging a bloody war against us for almost two years.

The words of the Ukrainian guarantor were broadcast by the press service of his Office. The soldiers of the Defense Forces must be constantly provided with everything they need: both ammunition and uniforms. Ukraine is constantly working on this (to watch the video, scroll to the end).

"Our key tasks are to supply our soldiers with ammunition and equipment. The Ukrainian defense industry. We are building up our capabilities and seeing the end of the war with a Ukrainian victory more clearly. Of course, we all have to realize that the enemy is not easy and will not get easier. But Ukraine must become - and will become - more powerful. That is how we will forever record in history that the Russian empire will no longer come to Ukrainian land," Zelensky summarized.

The head of state also reported on the key tasks that have been accomplished today. In particular, he signed one of the most important laws on this path to the start of negotiations: the law on PEPs, politically exposed persons.

"This law empowers financial monitoring of the lives of key officials and MPs. And its adoption is a clear signal of how seriously Ukraine takes the task of joining the European Union and making the work of its state institutions truly clean," Zelensky emphasized.

He called the talks with Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen the most important event of the day. The conversation was very substantive, it was about the content of further defense cooperation, about preserving unity in Europe and all partners, and about the Ukrainian Peace Formula.

"The Danish package is significant, more than $500 million. This includes additional armored vehicles for our soldiers, including tanks, armored personnel carriers, drones, and shells for artillery. I thank you, Denmark! This is what really helps us save the lives of our people at the front," the President of Ukraine addressed his friends from Europe.

Zelensky paid special attention to the military aid package from the United States announced for future delivery. It includes missiles for air defense, missiles for HIMARS, and other ammunition, including 155-caliber.

"The total amount of this American package is $150 million. I am grateful to President Biden, his team, the United States Congress, and all Americans who value freedom," the leader of the nation said.

The politician told the Ukrainians about the work of the Council of Europe, which was attended by the President of the European Council Charles Michel, as well as the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola. Our partners from the European Union are actively preparing several steps that Kyiv has been waiting for for a long time.

"These include new sanctions against Russia and new steps in support of Ukraine. We are especially looking forward to the EU's political decision to start negotiations on our country's membership. We are doing everything to be ready," Zelensky said.

As reported by OBOZ.UA, Zelensky said that Ukraine had practically implemented seven recommendations of the European Commission for EU membership during his speech to the Council of Europe on October 26. Kyiv is now looking forward to starting negotiations on our country's accession to the European Union.

"Every nation's path to the EU is a work based on merit and institutional development. Ukraine is doing this work. It is doing it in full. We are not asking for exceptions to the general rules even despite the full-scale war," the President emphasized.

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