
UN rejects Lavrov's fables and emphasizes support for Ukraine

The Secretary General's response was consistent

The United Nations has rejected the fairy tales of Russian aggressor country Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The UN supports Ukraine and will continue to do so.

This statement was made by the Organization's spokesman, Stéphane Dujarric. Journalists asked him how UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres reacts to the Russian minister's calls for "no need to help Ukraine" while Russian troops continue to bomb Ukrainian cities.

In response, Dujarric emphasized that Guterres has consistently defended Ukraine's territorial integrity and the UN Charter.

"The reaction of the Secretary General has been consistent from the very beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I mean, he has been very consistent in saying the same things, defending the territorial integrity of Ukraine, as well as defending the United Nations Charter and international law and calling for an end to the conflict," he said.

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