
"Putin must be put in his place!" Zelenskyy explains whether Russian missiles fly over Europe by chance

Zelenskyy says it is necessary to stop Putin. Source: Screenshot of the video

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin will continue to escalate and act like Hitler if he feels he is winning. Therefore, today it is necessary to put him in his place with all possible means.

The Head of State expressed this opinion in an interview with the Italian TV channel Sky TG24. He is convinced that the Kremlin leader will think about continuing the war if he feels strong.

"Strength is the fall of Ukraine, or it is Ukraine standing and fighting him alone, and the world is divided. He will feel that he is winning, including in Europe. And then he will start another escalation. It is not for nothing that Russian missiles are crossing the airspace of NATO countries today," Zelenskyy is convinced.

"These are the first steps. You will see he will act like Hitler," he added.

"I believe that today he must be put in his place. By all means possible. Strengthening Ukraine is not enough. By strengthening sanctions – his society must feel isolated, politically isolated. Politics, sanctions, economy, etc.", the head of state said.

As reported by OBOZ.UA:

– The President said that the occupiers use 3,200-3,500 guided aerial bombs every month, aimed exclusively at striking the civilian population and infrastructure of Ukraine. The goal of the occupiers is to instill fear in people and force them to leave in order to occupy their cities.

– Zelenskyy also said that the path to peace would be long because Ukraine is dealing with terrorists. At the same time, the President emphasized that this path should be based on the UN Charter and international law.

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