
Medvedev suddenly talked about Russia's readiness for "compromise," but once again "took a swing" at Kyiv: what the Kremlin wants

Medvedev said he was ready for "compromises," but only with regard to Russia's interests

Russian Ukranophobe politician Dmitry Medvedev has said that Russia is ready to look for "smart compromises." He also once again threatened to destroy the government in Kyiv, stating the so-called "fascist regime" in Ukraine.

The Russian propaganda publication RG.RU writes about it. The Russian politician, known for his inadequate statements, said that a compromise can be reached if all interests of the Russian Federation are taken into account, otherwise everything "will end very badly."

"Indeed, we are ready to look for reasonable compromises, as the president of Russia has repeatedly said. They are possible, but with the understanding of several important points. First, our interests must be taken into account as much as possible: there must be no more anti-Russia in principle, otherwise everything will end very badly sooner or later. The Kiev Nazi regime must be annihilated. Legislatively banned in civilized Europe as fascist," said Putin's henchman.

Medvedev also said that one way to resolve the "conflict" could be a Third World War, which, he said, would end in a "nuclear winter" and in which "there would be no winners." Thus, Medvedev threatened the West that countries must consider all the interests of Russia in order to avoid the "apocalyptic end" of civilization.

"The results of the total confrontation should be enshrined in a new document like the Helsinki Act, which ended the famous 1975 Conference," said the inadequate Russian politician.

After that, Medvedev dreamed of "rearranging" the UN and other international organizations.

Recall that earlier, the odious politician Medvedev again decided to "flash" his knowledge of history and declared that Ukraine allegedly does not exist. Medvedev complained that the Ukrainian authorities intend to begin negotiations with the terrorist Russian state only after the country's territorial integrity has been restored. However, he said that Ukraine did not exist and that in its place was once the Russian Empire.

As OBOZREVATEL reported, Medvedev brazenly issued that the United States should compensate the Russian Federation for the destruction of Bakhmut and Mariupol. He expressed this opinion in response to a journalist's question about whether the U.S. should reimburse Russia for the destruction of the Nord Stream.

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