
Defense forces have good results on the left bank of the Dnipro, - Gumenyuk

Gumenyuk told about the successes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the left bank of the Dnipro River

Ukraine's defenders forced the Russian army to pull back its positions in the occupied part of Kherson region. In general, our soldiers have good results on the left bank of the Dnipro, but this is not yet subject to coverage.

This was stated by Natalia Gumenyuk, head of the press center of the Southern Defense Forces, on Radio Liberty. According to her, the Kherson direction is not currently a priority for the enemy, but its shelling does not stop there.

"Our counter-battery fight forced the occupiers to pull back their positions on the left bank, but not enough to stop shelling the right bank," she explained.

Gumenyuk says that due to some work of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Russian artillery can no longer reach everywhere, so the number of such attacks on the right bank of the Kherson region has decreased. However, now the invaders have started using tactical aircraft more often.

"In this way, the enemy is trying to create artificial victories for itself, destroying civilian infrastructure and the region's economy, in fact, shelling settlements on the right bank in a "carpet" way. And explaining this by "stopping the Defense Forces," said the representative of the "South" organization.

She added that this does not actually stop the Ukrainian defenders, the fighters continue to achieve good results in their struggle - both in counter-battery and other methods.

"But for now, this is not subject to coverage, so that the result is very powerful and recorded. So that it is not a short-term victory," summarized Gumenyuk.


As reported by OBOZ.UA, the occupation troops panicked because of the breakthrough of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to the left bank of the Kherson region. But if at first they shouted about threats to their positions, then they began to downplay the scale of the Ukrainian forces' advance.

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