
A meeting with the mother is ahead: another child abducted by Russia has been returned to Ukraine. Video

Another child abducted by Russia returned to Ukraine. Source: Screenshot of the video

Another child abducted by the terrorist state of Russia has been returned to Ukraine. 17-year-old Ilona will soon meet her family.

The video of the meeting with the Save Ukraine team was posted on Telegram by Mykola Kuleba, the Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights. He noted that the diplomats had faced a number of challenges and made every effort, but the child is finally home.

"Ahead is a meeting with the mother. We are happy to be involved in this incredible mission," said Kuleba.

As a reminder, on May 31, five orphans deported by the Russians, who were pupils of the Novopetrivsk boarding school in Mykolaiv region, returned to Ukraine. The occupiers abducted them and transported them to Russian-controlled territory in the summer of 2022.

At first, the underage Ukrainians were held in the Kherson Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation. In October 2022, the occupiers took the children to Crimea and then to Anapa, Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation. From there, the orphans were rescued and taken to Georgia.

As reported by OBOZ.UA:

- On May 23, Ukraine returned 13 more children abducted by Russia. Seven of them, together with their families, were returned from the temporarily occupied territory, and six more were returned as part of the implementation of the approved action plan of the President of Ukraine Bring Kids Back UA.

- ISW said that the Russians practice changing the names and places of birth of children deported from Ukraine. This is done in order to erase documentary traces of the circumstances of their abduction and their real identities.

Only verified information is available on our Telegram channel OBOZ.UA and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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