
Zaluzhny spoke with the Chief of Defence Staff of Romanian Armed Forces: what is known

Zaluzhny spoke with the Chief of Defence Staff of Romanian Armed Forces

The commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Valeriy Zaluzhny had a telephone conversation with the chief of the Defense Staff of the Romanian Armed Forces General Daniel Petrescu. The military leaders discussed Russian attacks on the port infrastructure.

The conversation included the situation related to the shelling of civilian infrastructure on the Danube River by the occupants. Zaluzhny reported about this on his Telegram.

According to the commander-in-chief of the AFU, they discussed the risks associated with Russian shelling. The issue of interaction and exchange of information with partners was also raised.

In addition, Zaluzhny pointed out the need to strengthen Ukraine's Air Defense.

Zaluzhny spoke with the Chief of Defence Staff of Romanian Armed Forces: what is known

Some of the UAVs fell and detonated on the territory of Romania during a massive drone attack on the Odesa region on the night of September 4. Russian drones flew into the territory of Romania during the attack near the port of Izmail.

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis reacted to the fall of Russian Shahed drones on the territory of his country, saying that he demanded an urgent and professional investigation into the origin of the wreckage and the circumstances under which they ended up in Romania.

By the way, earlier Romanian President Klaus Iohannis denied the fall of Russian drones on the territory of his country. He claimed that no drone or any part of any device reached Romania.

As reported by OBOZREVATEL, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg commented on the fall of the Russian kamikaze attack drone on the territory of Romania. According to him, there is no information indicating that this action was deliberate.

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