
US State Department: Putin's "maximalist" demands contradict common sense

The US State Department believes that Putin's ultimatums are contrary to common sense

U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said that the ultimatum "to end the war" voiced by Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is not in line with common sense. This is a "maximalist statement" that contradicts the basics of morality.

This is stated in the material of the Voice of America. It refers to the Kremlin leader's condition that Ukraine demilitarize and give up even more of its sovereign territory than the one Russia currently occupies.

"No responsible nation can say that this is a reasonable basis for peace. It contradicts the UN Charter. It contradicts the foundations of morality. It goes against basic common sense," Miller emphasized.

He noted that Russia's actions indicate that it is not ready for serious "good faith discussions" – it continues to shell critical infrastructure, threaten ships in the Black Sea, and deport Ukrainian children.

Miller also noted the significant number of countries that attended the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland and the number of signatories to the final communiqué.

"We believe that both of these figures are a very significant manifestation of support for Ukraine, and not just peace, but a just and lasting peace," the State Department spokesman emphasized, adding that the United States will continue to work to achieve this goal.

As reported by OBOZ.UA:

– On June 14, on the eve of the Ukraine Peace Summit in Switzerland, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin put forward cynical conditions for starting negotiations with Kyiv. In particular, he stated that in order to start negotiations, Ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the territory of the so-called "DPR" and "LPR" as well as from Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions. Another condition for Russia is Ukraine's neutral, non-aligned, and non-nuclear status.

– U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris called Vladimir Putin's proposals for "conditions for peace" in Ukraine a demand for surrender rather than a sincere attempt to end the war. She reiterated the United States' unwavering support for Ukraine.

– President Zelenskyy said that Putin's policy of ultimatums means only one thing: the need to pause the war. The Kremlin leader needs a freeze in hostilities to prepare his troops for further escalation.

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