
"I will not": Scholz reiterates that he will not provide Ukraine with Taurus cruise missiles

Scholz says Germany will not supply Taurus to Ukraine

German Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz has again rejected calls for the supply of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine. He called his position on refusing to "supply missiles that can reach Moscow" "firm."

Scholz said this while in the German city of Niedergersdorf, according to the DPA news agency. At the same time, he criticized the position of some German political forces that insist on peace talks between Russia and Ukraine instead of military support for our country by Western allies.

Scholz noted that despite numerous attempts to persuade him to provide Ukraine with Taurus missiles, his position remains unchanged.

"I will not supply cruise missiles that reach Moscow... I can and will assure you of this now: I will stick to this position," the German Chancellor emphasized.

Instead, Scholz believes it is important to consider options for achieving peace in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war. At the same time, he criticized the position of a number of far-left and far-right parties that consider peace talks an alternative to supporting Ukraine, calling it "naive."

As a reminder, the European Parliament recently called for the lifting of restrictions on strikes by the Ukrainian Armed Forces with Western weapons and the provision of Taurus missiles to Ukraine. The resolution, which was voted for by 425 deputies, also calls for new sanctions against Iran and the DPRK and an embargo on gas and oil from Russia.

131 MPs voted against the resolution, while 63 abstained.

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