
"Kindergarten": Mahuchikh's rival from Russia hypocritically laughed at the Ukrainian

Oleksandr ChekanovSport
Kulichenko reacted to Mahuchikh's words

Former Russian athlete Elena Kulichenko, who competed under the flag of Cyprus at the 2024 Olympic Games, has made a nonsense statement about Yaroslava Mahuchikh's position on Russian representatives. The 22-year-old high jumper reacted to our compatriot's criticism of those who support aggression against our country with the words "kindergarten."

Kulichenko said this in an interview with Sport24. The native of Odintsovo near Moscow, who has been playing for Cyprus since 2021 due to sanctions imposed on the Russian Athletics Federation, accused Mahuchikh of insincere patriotism and bias against representatives of the Russian Federation, forgetting about the war in Ukraine.

''Kindergarten'': Mahuchikh's rival from Russia hypocritically laughed at the Ukrainian
''Kindergarten'': Mahuchikh's rival from Russia hypocritically laughed at the Ukrainian

"It's like a kindergarten. I think she's under a lot of pressure, she's forced to say things that she may not even think about. She got a lot of hate after Tokyo when she took a picture with Mariya Lasitskene, and I think it still triggers her a lot. I don't have any hate for her, I'm not going to add fuel to the fire. Well, we didn't hug at the end of the final, I'll get over it," Kulichenko said.

''Kindergarten'': Mahuchikh's rival from Russia hypocritically laughed at the Ukrainian

On the eve of the Olympics, Mahuchikh spoke harshly about Kulichenko, emphasizing her pro-Russian views. "Even if she were to make contact, I would definitely not go with her. I would rather pull out her hair. So no," Yaroslava said.

''Kindergarten'': Mahuchikh's rival from Russia hypocritically laughed at the Ukrainian

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