
Putin again referred to Ukrainians and Russians as "one people," called Odessa a "Russian city," and mentioned Yanukovych

Maryna LisnychukNews
Putin issued new cynical statements about the war against Ukraine

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has once again asserted that Russians and Ukrainians are 'one people' and that Odesa is a 'Russian city.' He also claims that Russia has 'never spoiled' its relations with Europe.

The head of the aggressor country spoke about this in a 'direct line' with the people, which was combined with his 'big' press conference on December 14 in Moscow. At the event, the Kremlin leader reported on the progress of the war against Ukraine and named new goals.

'Russians and Ukrainians are one people. And what is happening now is a great tragedy, similar to a civil war between brothers. But they are not to blame. The entire southeast of Ukraine has always been pro-Russian because these are historically Russian territories... What does Ukraine have to do with it; it has nothing to do with the Black Sea region. Odesa is a Russian city,' the dictator reiterated his rhetoric.

He recalled the times of the Maidan in Ukraine and how Yanukovych's election victory was 'stolen.' According to him, this 'coup' was organized to create a conflict, and it was done by 'our American friends.'

Putin still believes and tells Russians fables that NATO, having 'seized Ukraine,' was trying to 'crawl' to Russia's borders.

The dictator himself hopes for the normalization of relations with the European Union but claims that it depends not only on Russia, since 'it was not it that spoiled it,' but they are 'trying to push it.' The Kremlin leader also hopes to 'build relations' with the United States.

Against this backdrop, the Russian president praised his European supporters who are in favor of ending military aid to Ukraine. We are talking about his friend, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, as well as Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico.

As reported by OBOZ.UA, after Putin got on the 'direct line,' Russia took off with MiG-31Ks. Due to the threat of enemy missile strikes, a large-scale air alert was announced in Ukraine.

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