
Pharaoh Ramses II's sword and other ancient artifacts were discovered in Egypt. Photo

Inna VasilyukNews
Among the finds discovered a long bronze sword decorated with a cartouche of Ramses II. Source: Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

A sword of the famous pharaoh Ramses II has been discovered in Egypt. During excavations in the province of El Buheira archaeologists also found other valuable artifacts.

The press service of the country's Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities said that the Egyptian Archaeological Mission excavated a group of military barracks and mud brick warehouses from the New Kingdom era (1550 BC - 1069 BC) in northern Egypt. Some personal tools used by soldiers were found at the site, LBV writes.

"An Egyptian archaeological mission has uncovered a number of architectural blocks made of adobe from military barracks and weapons and food stores from the New Kingdom era during excavations in the Tell el-Abqayn archaeological area. A long sword made of bronze with a cartouche (name plate) of Pharaoh Ramses II was found," Egypt's Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities said in a statement.

Archaeologists also dug up weapons, fishing tools, personal hygiene products, jewelry and amulets. In addition, two limestone blocks were found, one inscribed with hieroglyphics detailing the titles of King Ramses II and the other belonging to an official named Bey.

Large individual granaries, along with significant ceramic jars, were found inside the warehouses that were used to provide daily provisions for the soldiers. The vessels contained the remains of fish bones, animal bones and fragments of broken pottery. Cylindrical ceramic cooking ovens were also found at the site.

In addition, burials of a cow, which symbolized strength, abundance and prosperity, were found at the excavation site. Cows were considered heavenly deities in Egypt.

The Egyptian Ministry emphasized that Ramses II is considered one of the greatest rulers in the history of ancient Egypt. According to various estimates, he reigned from about 1279 to 1213 B.C. He was noted for his extensive construction activities, in particular, the Temple of Abu Simbel is still preserved and is considered a pearl of architecture of that period.

General Secretary of the Supreme Council for Antiquities of Egypt Mohamed Ismail Khaled emphasized that this discovery confirms the historical and archaeological importance of the fort El Abkayn, considered one of the points of deployment of the Egyptian army in antiquity.

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