
Never store cheese like this: an expert named the most common mistakes

Erika IlyinaNews
Where to store cheese?. Source: pexels

Cheese is one of the most popular products in the world. There are a huge number of varieties of it, so everyone is sure to find the one they like.

To keep cheese fresh for as long as possible, you should know the basic rules. Only by following them will the product never absorb off-flavors, and its structure will not be compromised. Experts from the British Academy of Cheese told Daily Mail how to do it correctly.

One of the most popular methods of storing cheese is to wrap it in cling film. As it turned out, this method is simply unacceptable. According to experts, cheese should be treated as a living thing. If you wrap it in plastic wrap, it can simply suffocate. As an alternative to cling film, you can use wax paper, but it is better to avoid wrapping cheese altogether.

In addition, moist air in the refrigerator has a negative effect on cheese. To keep the product fresh for as long as possible, you need to choose the right place. And this is the vegetable compartment in the refrigerator. It is there that the optimal temperature for this product is maintained, which will maximize its shelf life.

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