
Long outdated and even wild: habits from the USSR that spoil life

Yulia PoteriankoNews
It was not enough for people to be stressed by life in the USSR, they had to fight against the circumstances, forming habits that only made things worse. Source: Created with the help of AI

Life in the USSR could hardly be called simple: constant shortages of goods, lack of access to quality services, and toxic relationships in society made people seek solace in sometimes very strange things. This gave rise to a whole list of habits that still reveal the trauma of the Soviet past and spoil people's lives.

OBOZ.UA talks about seven of these habits. And also advises what to do to get rid of them as soon as possible. You will be amazed how giving up these little things will improve your everyday life.

The habit of keeping junk

"Collecting" broken equipment for spare parts, the habit of keeping scraps of rope, extra nails, and substandard furniture could indeed save a Soviet person in a certain crisis. But it led to the fact that one had to live with a whole pile of junk. Which at the same time caused an unconscious expectation of some kind of domestic troubles. Most often, it was the balconies where all the junk was thrown. And instead of a recreation area, people's apartments turned into a real disaster zone.

Just try to throw away everything you don't need. Take to the trash the things you haven't used for at least a year. If you didn't need them during this time, you won't need them in the future. Especially since there is no shortage of goods nowadays. It is better to have more space in your home for you than for junk.

The habit of covering everything

In Soviet homes, everything was covered. There was a clumsy, colorful oilcloth on the tables, an old, worn-out blanket on the couch, and a napkin on the TV or radio. They were believed to protect furniture and appliances from damage. It was extremely difficult to get such treasures, so they were zealously protected from scratches, dust, and even sunlight. Some tablecloths served as a decoration for poor dwellings. That's why the home of an ordinary Soviet citizen looked like a storehouse of preserved things. Over time, this degenerated into such bizarre traditions as wrapping the remote controls of appliances in plastic wrap.

If you have kept this habit, try to gradually get rid of it. Start by buying beautiful placemats (they are very inexpensive) and coasters for your dining room table. Gradually open everything you have under the covers. And you will see how much more comfortable your home will become.

The habit of listening to other people's opinions

In addition to the harsh repressive apparatus, the Soviet Union instilled in its citizens the habit of spying on each other, condemning their loved ones for everything in the world, and, as an extreme manifestation, even writing denunciations. This was done through the practice of so-called comrades' courts, where companies would gather their staff to discuss the personal lives of their employees. Over time, people became accustomed to living with the opinions of their neighbors, colleagues, and so on.

This gave Soviet people a severe psychological trauma, which is not easy to overcome. But try to start by catching yourself thinking: "What will people think?", answer yourself: "What I think about it is more important." Check with your thoughts and feelings, and make sure that you are comfortable first and foremost.

The habit of wearing old clothes at home

The shortage of affordable clothes taught Soviet people to use things to the last. First, they wore them to work, when they wore out a little, they were left for home use, then they moved to the country, and ended up as rags. On the one hand, this is quite environmentally friendly. On the other hand, it teaches you to save too much on yourself.

Try to buy comfortable T-shirts and pants, a fluffy robe, and warm slippers for your home. You will be amazed how much more comfortable you will feel at home. But you shouldn't give up the practice of using old clothes for dirty work.

The habit of putting off using things for later

Your parents or grandparents probably still have a set of dishes under glass "for later". When asked what exactly is meant by "later," they are usually unable to answer. Soviet people were taught by the state to live in anticipation of communism somewhere in the uncertain future and to tighten their belts in the meantime. In psychology, this is called the syndrome of postponed life. This is a condition that prevents a person from experiencing happiness here and now. As if the time hasn't come for it yet, and you have to wait for the day when it will be appropriate to get that set, wear that beautiful dress, or spend the money you've saved on your dream vacation.

Think about the fact that now, in a time of war, we are living under the constant risk that tomorrow may not come for us. So does it make sense to dust off those cups so fervently under such circumstances? Brew yourself some flavored tea, pour it into these cups, and feel the thrill of knowing that something that was previously impossible has suddenly become accessible and close to you. Things are made to be used. But you have to live your life here and now.

The habit of trusting signs

A Soviet person could not expect any good news because no one was doing anything to improve the lives of people in the USSR. Therefore, they had to resort to magical thinking. People invented omens to give themselves at least a little hope. They were even printed in tear-off calendars. They hung in every home. In reality, superstition only increased anxiety. In order not to cause misfortune (and it came even without a call), one had to be wary of many things.

Try to disprove at least one of the signs for yourself in practice. For example, accept a parcel from a courier across the threshold or don't grab for a button if you see a black cat. And don't look for the negative afterwards, just go about your day-to-day business as usual. You'll see, your life won't fall apart. And if you focus on finding something good, it will become even better, even if only for a minute.

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