
How to hitchhike: useful tips and life hacks

Albina PanchenkoNews
Hitchhiking: pros and cons

Traveling by train is an ideal option. It's not expensive at all, and sometimes it's even free. It opens up new horizons and gives you a lot of emotions and acquaintances. But, as with other transfers, there are pitfalls.

We share with you some useful tips on how to avoid trouble while hitchhiking.

Choose the right place

It's not a good idea to just pick up a sign and stand up anywhere. It is unlikely that you will be able to catch a car on the main street of the city. Moreover, if you are planning to travel to another region.

The ideal option is to get to the suburbs and catch a car there. But even here, there are nuances. For example, do not stand in front of a major interchange. Drivers may not go where you want to go. It's better to walk around and weed out those who are not on your way.

Also, don't stop at exits. Few people turn there. Besides, it's difficult to see a person in advance and decide whether to respond to their request or not. So your place should be visible from afar.

Do not stand where the traffic is chaotic. At first glance, it may seem that such an area is ideal. But in reality, it's not. Hitchhikers warn that it is very difficult to catch a car in such conditions.

You shouldn't go to extremes and choose a place where you can meet a car once an hour. First, you will have to wait a long time. Second, drivers may overcharge you. Still, this trip is aimed at minimizing financial costs.

Do not use signs

They only do you harm. It's unlikely that you'll be able to get from point A to B right away. Most likely, you'll need to stop several cars or even more. Therefore, such cardboard signs only confuse people driving. It is better to drive 50-100 kilometers and then catch another car.

Signs help only in one case. When you are facing a major junction that is unrealistic to cross on your own, you need to be directed. At other times, they are not needed. Instead, focus on communication. It's your ability to communicate that determines how quickly you get to your destination.

Move on

Sometimes the starting point is not very convenient. This is normal. We cannot predict different situations in advance. For example, other travelers may already be catching cars at the chosen location, which is not very beneficial for you. Or the area itself may not seem ideal for hitchhiking.

So don't just stand there for a long time, keep moving. In addition, drivers respond better to a person traveling with bags. The desire to help and give you a ride for at least a few kilometers is triggered.

Dress appropriately

The first impression is very important. The way you look can determine whether a car will stop or continue. Girls should especially take care of their image. Situations vary, and not all men and women are kind and polite. So avoid wearing short skirts, shorts, or tops. Besides, such clothes are not very comfortable.

Another important point: do not wear glasses. You and the person behind the wheel need to make eye contact. If you don't like the sun hitting your eyes, it's better to pull on a hat.

Don't be silent while driving

Most often, those who are bored and lack communication on the road stop. So once you're in the car, don't hold your tongue. And in no case do you fall into your phone or reach for your headphones. This is incorrect and disrespectful.

If the driver does not start the conversation, take the initiative. There are plenty of neutral topics for dialog. Talk about the weather, hobbies, family, profession, TV shows, etc. But don't bring up politics or religion.

Also, do not criticize the person's music preferences. Hitchhikers are guests in a car. You should keep this in mind. So accept it and listen to the songs you don't like for a while.

Agree on travel conditions in advance

If you have a certain amount of money in your pocket, say so right away. If you're counting on a free ride, even more so. Sometimes drivers stop to earn some money. So don't rely on fate. Discuss such moments before getting into a stranger's car.

Don't panic

Hitchhiking is not always fast. Sometimes you may have to wait for a car for hours on end. This is a normal and common practice. The main thing is not to be dramatic, but to keep smiling. Sooner or later, someone will definitely drop you off at another location.

Traveling by public transport has its advantages and disadvantages. If there are more advantages for you, make a detailed itinerary and go on an adventure. Have a nice trip.

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