
When is it better to take a shower – in the morning or in the evening? Scientists, dermatologists, and sleep experts have identified the best time

Anna BoklajukNews
Scientists, dermatologists and sleep experts have identified the best time to take a shower. Source:

According to the Sleep Foundation survey, there is a fairly even split between people who shower or bathe in the morning (42 percent) and those who do so in the evening (38 percent). There is no research comparing the two, but scientists are inclined to believe that a warm shower (or bath) before bed is better for health.

Researchers have reviewed the various evidence for the benefits of an evening shower and their findings suggest that relaxing in warm water improves sleep quality, and if you do it one to two hours before bed, it can help you fall asleep faster, Inverse writes.

When is it better to take a shower – in the morning or in the evening? Scientists, dermatologists, and sleep experts have identified the best time

Human circadian rhythms are thought to be partially determined by body temperature, which is naturally lower in the evening. Warm water lowers your body temperature (by increasing blood flow to your extremities), so it can act as a cue to sleep.

In general, sleep experts suggest that an evening shower or bath relieves tension in tense muscles after an active day and promotes a sense of calm before bed.

Dermatologists have also joined the discussion, with some arguing that you should wash before bed to prevent the transfer of dirt from the skin to the bedding.

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