
Only 7 seconds: find the banana in the picture

Yulia PoteriankoNews
There is a banana in this picture, try to find it in 7 seconds. Source: Jagran Josh

Have you ever opened your own refrigerator and not been able to find what is exactly there? The reason for this may be untrained attention to detail, which puzzles can help you develop.

OBOZ.UA publishes just such a task. Here's a picture that shows a banana exactly. But to find it, you'll have to strain all your attention.

Only 7 seconds: find the banana in the picture

In the picture we see representatives of different nations who came to admire the Christmas installation. What does the banana have to do with it? The trick is to put aside your preconceptions and stereotypes and look at the image from the point of view of the details in it, not the plot. It also teaches you to separate facts from context, another important skill in today's world.

But try to do it in 7 seconds. That's the amount of time that people with good attention to detail take to complete this task.

Set yourself a timer and start studying the image detail by detail. The timer beeps and you still haven't completed the task? Don't give up. You can only get the most out of a puzzle if you do it yourself.

However, it may happen that the search has reached a dead end and you are getting nervous. Well, no one needs unnecessary stress. In this case, just check the correct answer to the puzzle to make sure that there really was a banana in the picture.

Only 7 seconds: find the banana in the picture

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