
Not just cucumbers: what else is the Ukrainian city of Nizhyn famous for?

Albina PanchenkoNews
What to see for tourists in Nizhyn

We have all heard of Nizhyn. Some in history class, some from movies about the famous Cossacks, others from advertisements for crispy pickles. But it's not just pickles that this region can boast of. Read on to find out what to see in this city!

A brief history

The first mention of a settlement on this site dates back to 1078. For a long time, it served as a shield for Kyiv and was considered the main fortification in the east. But a terrible thing happened: one day it was completely destroyed by the Mongols. The restoration of the settlement was not started soon. This was done by the Lithuanian princes when they began to rule our land.

Nizhyn flourished. Noise and laughter began to sound on its streets again. Traders from different parts of the world began to come here. But the happiness did not last long. Later, the settlement was ceded to Muscovy, and then to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Less than 10 years later, it received the Magdeburg Law and became the center of the starosta. And when Bohdan Khmelnytsky himself moved here, it became the most developed region.

As you can see, Nizhyn has a lot to tell. And there are definitely places to visit here.

Not just cucumbers: what else is the Ukrainian city of Nizhyn famous for?

Palace of Hetman Kirill Razumovsky (Nizhyn district)

We recommend starting your walk with a visit to an outstanding monument of the classicist era. The building was designed by Scottish architect Charles Cameron in 1803. Today it is the only surviving house that belonged to the Cossack commander.

During the Hetman's reign, it was in excellent condition. It was well maintained and repairs were carried out on time. After the owner's death, the palace was taken over by Kyrylo Rozumovsky's son, Andrii. He did not care about the house at all. Every year the building looked worse and worse. And only God knows how it has survived to this day.

The restoration of the palace began in 2003. The last work was completed in 2008. A year after the palace and park complex was put in order, an exhibition hall dedicated to the Hetmanate era was opened on its territory. Here you can see items that belonged to Kyrylo Razumovsky: a palash, a cloth factory seal, fragments of a tombstone, a wagon, and more.

Not just cucumbers: what else is the Ukrainian city of Nizhyn famous for?

Greek All Saints Church

Bohdan Khmelnytsky was not only a skillful commander, but also an excellent economist. During his reign, he invited the Greeks to the city, who founded their colony here and brought the same variety of cucumbers that are now known in all regions of our country. At that time, Nizhyn flourished even more.

Over time, new buildings appeared here: a court, a school, and a church. The shrine still exists to this day. It has a complex design and an incredible appearance. Go inside to admire the majestic architecture.

Not just cucumbers: what else is the Ukrainian city of Nizhyn famous for?

Monument to Nikolai Gogol

This unremarkable monument is actually very special. In 1881, the first sculpture of the famous writer appeared in Nizhyn. The masterpiece was created by the artist Parmen Zabila. It is said that the artist left his portrait on the playwright's shoulder. But it is well disguised. So not everyone can see it.

By the way, the monument is located in the park of the same name, which is adored by families with children.

Not just cucumbers: what else is the Ukrainian city of Nizhyn famous for?

Museum at Mykola Gogol Nizhyn State University

This is a must-see for every visitor to the city. Even if you're not a big fan of exhibition halls, don't miss the opportunity to visit the institution where famous Ukrainian figures once studied.

This higher education institution graduated Yevhen Hrebinka, Viktor Zabil, Leonid Hlibov, and Mykola Hohol. Of course, it has preserved very valuable exhibits.

The university has a Museum of Rare Books, an art gallery, and a room dedicated to Gogol. There are collections of old publications here. Among them are rare manuscripts of Shakespeare, collections of French philosophers, and biographies of saints. It is also home to a unique literary monument from the times of Kievan Rus - the first edition of The Tale of Igor's Campaign.

Not just cucumbers: what else is the Ukrainian city of Nizhyn famous for?

Nizhyn post office

Another museum worth visiting. The post office used to be a real correspondence center, but after a while the building was converted into a private mansion. The post office remained on the ground floor, and a hotel was built on the second floor. Two outbuildings, a stable and a carriage house were located in the courtyard.

You won't believe it, but very famous people stayed here. Again, Mykola Gogol, Marko Vovchok, Hryhorii Skovoroda, Taras Shevchenko, and other familiar figures.

The museum has a collection of historical postage stamps, postcards with photos of Nizhyn streets, and a model of the first postal station.

This city was adored by Ukrainian writers, Cossack generals, and historical figures. Unfortunately, modern travelers hardly ever consider Nizhyn as a tourist destination. And in vain!

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