
How to stop slugs from destroying your plants: there's a simple chemical-free method

Yulia PoteriankoNews
Slugs are especially dangerous for flowers. Source: Created with the help of AI

Slugs are hardworking little creatures that can quickly destroy even the most lush garden with their efforts to find food. Moreover, the richer the greenery and the more intense the flowering, the more likely the site will be attacked by these voracious mollusks.

Experienced gardeners say that it is possible to get rid of them, even without aggressive chemicals. Some natural remedies that are completely safe for plants and animals are very effective in repelling slugs. OBOZ.UA has found out what these remedies are and how to use them correctly.

Slugs and snails feel best in warm and humid weather. Therefore, it is during rainy periods that they cause the most damage to gardens by feeding on stems, which destroys flowers. There are many products on the market that attract slugs, which eat them and die. But the same products can poison birds, frogs, and hedgehogs that eat these mollusks. That's why it's better to give preference to more environmentally friendly products.

One of the most effective is such a type of kitchen waste as eggshells. It should be crushed and scattered around the plants. The sharp edges of the shell pieces are very uncomfortable for slugs – they simply cannot climb over such a physical barrier.

Before using shells to protect your garden, be sure to rinse them with water, removing all egg residue, as it can, on the contrary, attract pests. Then dry the product thoroughly. Once you have collected the shells of 6-7 eggs, crush them into small pieces with your hands and use them in the garden.

You can also add half a teaspoon of table salt to the container with the crushed eggshells. This will make the product even more effective because salt is very harmful to slugs and they try to stay away from it.

Sprinkle the powder you get around the plants. This will create a protective cordon. But if you decide to add salt to the product, do not spread it close to the stem – this can have a bad effect on green spaces.

In addition to their properties, both salt and dry eggshells can absorb moisture, which slugs need to breathe and move their bodies. If the slugs feel that their body is dehydrated, they will immediately start looking for a more humid place. Water loss leads to the rapid death of these mollusks.

Do not forget to renew the protective layer immediately after heavy rain. Slugs are more likely to appear during a downpour, and the mixture can be washed away during precipitation.

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