
A dog handler named three breeds of dogs that he would never keep at home

Anna BoklajukNews
Dog handler names three breeds of dogs he would never keep at home. Source:

Dog handler Ross McNamara talks about three dog breeds he would never get for himself. According to the expert, these popular dogs have their drawbacks.

Ross posted the list of breeds in a video on his TikTok page. His anti-rating of pets includes dachshunds , flat-faced dogs (like pugs), and large guard dogs. So, if you are planning to get a dog, maybe his opinion will help you in your choice.

"As a trainer, I would never have these three breeds, but I'll explain it," he says in the video.


According to Ross, he would not want to own a dachshund not because they bark frequently, loudly, and uncontrollably, but because of their neediness. That is, he doesn't want a dog that constantly needs his attention.

A dog handler named three breeds of dogs that he would never keep at home

"They are very needy dogs, and I don't want a dog crawling all over me all the time," he explains.

Dogs with a flat muzzle

The second type of dog on the dog handler's anti-list is the one with flat muzzles. For example, a pug or a French bulldog. Here, the main problem for him is that these dogs snore. Ross explained that he loves to sleep and would not want a dog to disturb him.

A dog handler named three breeds of dogs that he would never keep at home

"It doesn't even sound like normal snoring, it's really weird sounds they make and it sounds like they're kind of choking, and that worries me a little bit," he adds.

Protective cattle breeds

And the third type, which Ross does not advise, includes all guard dogs. Among them are Anatolian shepherds, Tibetan mastiffs, and Bernese Sennenhunds. The dog handler explains that these dogs are bred to be independent of nature, and when they are placed in a domestic environment, it can cause a lot of problems.

A dog handler named three breeds of dogs that he would never keep at home

This video on TikTok caused a stir, and not all subscribers shared the dog handler's opinion in the comments. Many wrote comments in defense of one or another breed, pointing out that not all dachshunds are so attached to their owners and can be quite independent. Others argued that not all pugs and French bulldogs snore.

But in the end, everyone chooses what kind of dog to have at home.

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