How many people in Ukraine have the surname Syrsky: where is it common?
A surname is the name of a person's family, so you can learn a lot of interesting things by researching it. Due to the recent change of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the name Syrsky has become more interesting than ever.
We have collected information about the origin and popularity of the new commander-in-chief's family name.
There is a belief that surnames ending in -sky/-sky are of Polish origin, but linguists believe that this is not necessarily the case. Such family names could have belonged to representatives of the gentry or seminarians in ancient times.
The Syrskyi surname is incredibly rare in Ukraine. There are only 13 speakers throughout the country.
Most of them, namely 6, live in Lviv. Also, people with the family name Syrskyi live in Lviv region (the village of Vizhnyany), Kyiv, Kryvyi Rih, Zaporizhzhia region (the village of Osypenko), and Sevastopol. In terms of distribution, it ranks as high as 180674, and is most common in Tavria.
The densest center of the Syrskyi surname is Berdiansk district. There are 25367 residents per person with this family name.