
What rules to follow at the beginning of a relationship: tips for women

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Honesty and mutual respect are the key to a successful relationship in the long run

Starting a new relationship is always a very exciting moment in life. You want to experience the thrill and happiness of it to the fullest. However, it's easy to get carried away and make mistakes. You can miss a lot of warning signs or just burn out early.

But is it possible to avoid these problems? Psychologists say yes. To do this, you need to follow certain rules, a kind of safety precautions that will help a crazy crush turn into a mature and healthy relationship. OBOZREVATEL talks about these rules. Usually, they are advised to be followed by women, but in fact, these are quite universal tips that will help men as well.

Take your time

No matter how much butterflies in your stomach encourage you to plunge into a relationship, give yourself time to figure out what you really feel and take a closer look at the person next to you. Enjoy your first dates and pleasant conversations, learn more about each other and your compatibility. And in no case do you listen to those who say that it's time for you to move on to this or that stage of the relationship. It's your life and only you can decide what's right for you and when.

Be honest

In a relationship, honesty with both your partner and yourself is important. Discuss what you want from the relationship. Differences in goals and outlooks on life can cause serious conflict and hurt you, so you need to put these cards on the table right away.

Talk to each other directly

We can't read each other's minds and usually don't understand hints, especially at the beginning of a relationship. Therefore, if you want something from your partner, tell them directly. And formulate your thoughts in the form of an I-message. Not "you're doing something wrong" - this is an accusation and a value judgment that may be unfounded, but "I don't like it when you do it that way" - this is how you tell about your objective feelings and start a conversation about finding a compromise.

Leave time for yourself

No matter how great your new partner is, you are still the most important person in your life. Therefore, you should not sacrifice your interests for the sake of a new relationship and it is important to leave space for your personal habits and routine. First, these interests make you the person who attracted your partner. Secondly, this way you will avoid additional disappointment if the relationship doesn't work out - you won't feel like you've wasted too much of your resources. Leave a similar opportunity for your partner.

Don't ignore warning signs

If you think that your partner is showing signs of abusive behavior or is constantly doing something you don't like, don't convince yourself that it's a fluke. Discuss these issues. Be honest about what is bothering you. If it is indeed an accident, you may be able to reach a compromise. If not, think about whether you will be ready to stay by this person's side when this bell rings.

Respect each other

Couples who have lived together for decades and maintained their relationship often say that in the long run, mutual respect is even more important than love. Do not violate each other's boundaries, look for things to admire in your partner, and treat each other with kindness. This is the key to a successful relationship.

Don't compare yourself to others

Life is not a competition to see whose relationship looks better. You never know what is really hidden behind a beautiful facade, and how tragedies can happen in other couples in between posting idyllic photos on Instagram. So don't try to compete with others, focus solely on what's going on in your relationship. After all, they are the most important thing to you.

Learn to compromise

The ability to sometimes compromise your interests for the sake of mutual happiness is a very important skill for building strong relationships. But it shouldn't be a complete rejection of your own individuality in favor of your partner's comfort. It's a two-way street, aimed at making both of you feel good, not at making one person happy at the expense of the other.

Don't forget about romance

Every couple has a different idea of romance. For some, it's breakfast in bed and an armful of flowers every weekend, for others it's a joint camping trip to the mountains or a football match, and for others it's all together and occasionally dancing in the living room. The main thing is not to forget about these small pleasant rituals for two. They help refresh feelings even for those couples who have been living together for a long time and prevent them from getting stuck in a routine. Find time for such pleasant moments at least once in a while, and make each other happy with sweet surprises.

Avoid manipulation

Always catch yourself wanting to get your way with your partner using indirect methods. Artificially arousing jealousy, pretending to be offended, appealing to guilt - all these steps will not only fail to strengthen the relationship, but can even split a seemingly harmonious relationship. Honesty is the best policy. This is an axiom.

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