
How to heat food in the microwave properly: almost everyone makes this mistake

Yulia PoteriankoLife
The blogger also explained why you should put water in the oven

It would seem that there is nothing wrong with heating food in a microwave oven. You open the door, put a plate in, press the button, wait a minute, and voila. But a recent viral video from TikTok has shown that it's not really that simple. To watch the video, scroll down to the end of the news.

According to the Australian publication Lifehacker, the instruction from the user onlyjayus, who explained how to heat food in the microwave properly, has already collected more than 7 million views. And a lot of comments like, "Wow, I've been doing it wrong all my life!"

Many people complained that they always had something hot on the outside and absolutely cold on the inside in the oven, and now they were able to fix it. The trick is to place the plate on the rotating tray. The food should be on its side and not just rotate around its axis but move around the entire microwave. This way, it heats up evenly.

The woman also advised to put a container of water next to the dish while heating it. This will help moisturize the food and make it softer and tastier.

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