
What salt is best for canning vegetables: tips for housewives

Tetiana KoziukFood
What salt can vegetables be canned with. Source: pixabay.com

Surprisingly, salt plays an important role in homemade pickles. It affects the quality and shelf life of the preservation. In addition to rock salt, housewives think about using sea salt and iodized salt. But which one is better and how each of them affects the preservation – you need to figure it out.

The FoodOboz editorial team has gathered information and will tell you whether sea and iodized salt is suitable for canning.

Which salt is suitable for canning

Is it possible to preserve with sea salt?

Experts say that pickles with sea salt will be more useful because it contain compounds important for the human body. Also, this type of salt does not retain water in the body but rather removes it. Thanks to this, you will not develop various types of edema after consuming the preparations.

Can vegetables be preserved with sea salt

Equally important is the fact that sea salt has much less harmful soluble sediment than rock salt. This is what affects the shelf life of pickles, which will be stored longer.

The only caveat is that sea salt, compared to table salt, has a different degree of salinity, so you can either over-salt or under-salt the preparations.

Can sea salt be used for preservation

Is it possible to preserve with iodized salt?

Today, you can find two types of iodized salt on store shelves, each with a different composition. If you notice a compound such as potassium iodide, you can safely skip this product. The presence of this substance indicates that over time, the salt loses its flavoring properties: the taste of the preparations will become bitter, and the products themselves will become soft. In addition, the shelf life of products is reduced.

Can vegetables be preserved with iodized salt

Instead, if the product contains potassium iodate or the additive E917, then salt can be used. This is a stable substance that does not change during long-term storage and heat treatment. Iodized salt of this type does not affect the quality, color, and taste of the preparations.

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