
Throw these products out of your refrigerator: they are bad for your body

Kateryna YagovychFood
What is junk food. Source: snexplores.org

There are a lot of different foods on the shelves now. And it is quite difficult to choose really healthy food. Much more attractive and tasty are those products that simply clog the body and harm it.

Nutritionist Anna Krynska (budte_zdorovy_) explained what junk food is and what it is dangerous on her Instagram page. You should not buy such food.

The expert notes that junk food is food that contains dyes, sugar substitutes, flavor enhancers, and preservatives.

The category of junk food also includes carbonated drinks and semi-finished products: sausages, dumplings, factory-made cutlets, instant soups, mashed potatoes, noodles, and other products. As a rule, they are made from low-quality products. And to make them look and taste marketable, they use the same dyes and flavor enhancers, a lot of salt, sugar, and cheap fats.

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How to protect yourself from junk food?

1. The main rule is to buy food that does not require special containers or packaging. A piece of meat instead of sausage or stew.

2. Read labels and choose products with a minimum of ingredients (optimally, one). Fewer ingredients means a higher probability that the product is natural.

3. Live food must be perishable. You should be wary if the packaging indicates that the product has a long shelf life (except for food that is intended for this purpose like cereals, legumes, nuts and other products).

4. Most often, we indulge in "junk food" because our menu lacks bright flavors. Spices, herbs, vegetables, and fruits with sour, sweet, bitter, astringent, and astringent flavors, as well as healthy fats, can help compensate for this deficiency. By adding them to homemade dishes, we get a rich palette of flavors and our taste buds are satisfied.

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