
How to store peeled garlic so that it does not rot or sprout

Tetiana KoziukFood
How to store garlic. Source: pixabay.com

Every year, many housewives are faced with the question of preserving garlic for the winter so that it stays fresh and doesn't spoil all year round. After all, this vegetable begins to rot and sprout over time.

In one of the culinary blogs (smakoluk.ua) on Instagram, she shared two ways of storing peeled garlic.

How to store peeled garlic

Method 1 - powdered

It's simple: you need to dry garlic and grind it to a fine powder.

How to store powdered garlic

Method 2 - in oil

1. First, you need to peel and chop garlic.

2. Put the chopped garlic in a sterilized dry jar and pour in oil. Close the lid.

3. Store in a cool place.

How to store garlic in oil in a jar

The advantage of these two methods is that garlic practically does not lose its flavor and can be stored for months.

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