
How not to cook rice: the most common mistakes that will ruin your dish

Tetiana KoziukFood
How to cook rice properly so that it doesn't stick together. Source: pixabay.com

Perfectly cooked rice is crumbly and does not stick together. Not many people manage to cook it, and there are a number of reasons for this: from water amounts to the choice of utensils.

The FoodOboz editorial team has gathered information and will tell you how to cook perfect crumbly rice at home and what affects the result of the cooked cereal.

Cooking utensils

In this case, you need to remember that rice doubles in size during the cooking process. Accordingly, you need to choose a large saucepan and preferably one with a thick bottom. This will ensure that the rice cooks evenly and does not burn.

Water amounts

There is a twofold problem here: you add either too little or too much water. There is a life hack with your finger that will help you measure the perfect amount of liquid. To do this, put your index finger in the pot of rice and start pouring water. As soon as the water covers your first bone, you know you have enough liquid.


We are talking about salt because many chefs do not advise to salt water and cereal in advance. The fact is that if you add salt at the beginning of cooking, the grains will not have time to open up as quickly and absorb all the flavor.

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