
How to store bananas to keep them fresh for up to 15 days: a life hack to prevent blackening

Erika IlyinaFood
How to keep bananas fresh for a long time. Source: freepik

It happens quite often that people buy unripe bananas and leave them in the kitchen at room temperature, and in a few days throw them in the trash because the fruit is completely blackened. To prevent this from happening, you need to know the rules for storing bananas, which can keep the fruit fresh for up to 15 days.

How to store bananas to keep them fresh for up to 15 days: a life hack to prevent blackening

The Mirror recently told us exactly how to store bananas. It also says that if bananas do turn black, you don't have to throw them in the trash. It is enough to just bake banana bread or cookies.

How to store bananas to keep them fresh for up to 15 days: a life hack to prevent blackening


Kitchen Tips Online experts say that following one simple method of storing bananas will help extend their life by up to 15 days. To identify this method, an experiment was conducted: two branches of bananas were purchased from the same box in the same supermarket. One of the branches was simply placed in the kitchen in a fruit storage vase, and the other was put in a sealed bag with ethylene absorption balls. These balls absorb this gaseous substance, which helps the bananas ripen quickly.

How to store bananas to keep them fresh for up to 15 days: a life hack to prevent blackening


After a few days of experimentation, the expert noticed a significant difference between the bananas that were just lying in a vase and those that were stored with the balls in a sealed bag. It turned out that the bananas in the vase were much softer, while the bananas in the bag remained at the same stage of ripeness.

How to store bananas to keep them fresh for up to 15 days: a life hack to prevent blackening

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