
The performer of the song "I am Russian" Shaman became Putin's proxy for the Russian presidential election in 2024: what's wrong with him

Shaman became Putin's confidant in the 2024 presidential election

In 2024, the terrorist country of Russia will hold presidential elections, which can hardly be called elections, because their results have long been known to everyone. Meanwhile, the current Russian president-dictator Vladimir Putin has chosen a new confidant. It was the odious singer and Z-patriot Yaroslav Dronov, better known to the public as Shaman.

The artist, who fiercely supports the murder of Ukrainians and the destruction of Ukraine, has already signed documents agreeing to become Putin's proxy in next year's presidential election. The performer of the propaganda hits "I'm Russian" and "We Will Rise" announced this on his social media.

"Hello, Russia! I have agreed to be a confidant of the candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin," the Kremlin jester wrote, not hiding his pride in himself.

The performer of the song ''I am Russian'' Shaman became Putin's proxy for the Russian presidential election in 2024: what's wrong with him

As you know, Putin's "election" will take place in March next year. The Central Election Commission continues to register candidates, while the Kremlin leader pretends that the election results are a "mystery" to him.

Proxies help with the election campaign, campaigning, and representing the candidate's interests to voters. In fact, Shaman will continue to do what he has been doing - pushing Kremlin narratives to the masses, propagandizing the war and praising Putin's regime.

The performer of the song ''I am Russian'' Shaman became Putin's proxy for the Russian presidential election in 2024: what's wrong with him

It should be noted that Shaman became popular only in 2022, when he realized in time that he could gain the coveted fame through cynical speculation on the topic of war and "patriotism." Songs about love for the terrorist homeland, glorification of the occupiers, odes to the so-called "special operation" and broadcasting unhealthy patriotism in all its manifestations made the previously unknown singer almost the main Kremlin jester. Now Yaroslav sings the national anthem in the company of Vladimir Putin and organizes cynical "nuclear shows" with a "red button" at his concerts. A year and a half ago, almost no one knew about the existence of such an artist.

The performer of the song ''I am Russian'' Shaman became Putin's proxy for the Russian presidential election in 2024: what's wrong with him

It's funny that the singer who allegedly opposes the "neo-Nazis in Ukraine" invented by the Kremlin leader and his henchmen was himself caught imitating Adolf Hitler.

It all started after the release of the video for the song "We". A debate immediately erupted online about whether Shaman was imitating the Nazis. The main complaints concerned the visual component: a black leather jacket with a Russian tricolor armband immediately reminded viewers of the black raincoats of Nazi commanders with SS and Hitlerjugend armbands. The Shaman's hairstyle also made a reference to the aesthetics of the Third Reich. Moreover, after fans began to look for the pitfalls of the video, they found out that it was premiered on Hitler's birthday. The network concluded that this date was chosen for a reason.

The performer of the song ''I am Russian'' Shaman became Putin's proxy for the Russian presidential election in 2024: what's wrong with him

We also wrote that Shaman topped the ranking of the most patriotic pop artists in Russia. The "three heroes" also include the hurrah-patriot Oleg Gazmanov and the leader of the band Lyube Nikolai Rastorguev.

As OBOZ.UA wrote earlier, Russian propagandists have launched another fake about Shaman's performance in Kyiv. The media are actively publishing the announcement of the concert, which, as our editorial team has learned, was made with the help of Photoshop. 

Only verified information is available on our Telegram channel OBOZ.UA and Viber. Don't fall for fakes!

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