
Other News

Russia falls to third place in arms exports for the first time – SIPRI

Russia falls to third place in arms exports for the first time – SIPRI

It was "moved" by France, which increased supplies by 47%
Will the EU-Ukraine FTA continue or not?

Will the EU stop free trade with Ukraine? Economist explains what restrictions may be imposed

New trade rules may come into force in summer 2024
Polish Commissioner wants to return the ban on imports of Ukrainian grain to the EU

Ukraine faces new export problems: Polish EU commissioner demands that the Union impose new bans

Wojciechowski will refuse to support preferences for Ukraine if the demands are not met
Poles do not allow cars to enter Ukraine

Poles block three checkpoints on the Ukrainian border, thousands of trucks in queues: where is the most difficult situation

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reported on the situation at checkpoints on the border of Ukraine and Poland