
They are united by an idea, but it is not Russia that controls everything: expert explains what the "axis of evil" is today

Olha LipychWorld
Putin and Kim Jong-un. Source: Russian media

The countries that are now the so-called axis of evil-Russia, North Korea, China, and Iran-have a single idea of countering the West and destroying the security architecture that has kept the world from World War III for more than 70 years. The sources of tension that exist in the world today are coordinated by these states among themselves.

This was stated in an interview with OBOZ.UA by Oleksiy Melnyk, Co-Director of Foreign Policy Programs, Coordinator of International Projects at the Razumkov Center. According to him, the "axis of evil" has a certain common idea - opposition to the collective West, which is why this "grouping" is so powerful.

"They have a certain idea that unites them - opposition to the collective West. So, this 'axis of evil' is based on ideology. This is something that exists despite all the arguments, despite all the things where they conflict or have different positions - it is this anti-American, anti-Western idea that prevails when they need to make decisions. Having a common idea is already dangerous, especially when that idea itself is dangerous. This is the idea of countering the West and destroying the current security architecture that has kept the world from a third world war for more than 70 years," the military expert said.

With the help of allies from the so-called "axis of evil", the aggressor state Russia can accumulate significant resources to continue waging war in Ukraine.

"If we talk about what exactly is helping Russia, we should talk not only about the supply of weapons, the transfer of components and technologies, but also about the actions that can and obviously are already being coordinated between these states," Melnyk said.

He recalled that right now China is conducting dangerous maneuvers around Taiwan, North Korea is blowing up roads, rattling weapons and claiming "violations of sovereignty," Hezbollah is attacking Israel, Iran is turning up the heat and attacking Israel, and the Houthis are shelling civilian ships. Such events, the expert believes, cannot happen by chance. Most likely, they are coordinated with each other.

"Is Russia behind this? Perhaps it would be an exaggeration. But it is obvious that the foundation is their idea, their common interest and their attempt to make the most of the moment, to shake up the situation, to stretch the forces of the collective West and to use the window of opportunity for a change of power in the White House. So, it's not just about supplying missiles, shells, or perhaps some manpower. The problem is much broader," Melnyk added.

As reported by OBOZ.UA, DPRK dictator Kim Jong-un has expressed a desire to play with "inciting" a war against neighbors. For its part, South Korea's Defense Ministry warns that if the North harms the people of their country, its regime will come to an end. Experts predict an armed conflict on the Korean peninsula in the near future.

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