
Killed 7 Hamas militants while saving children: the network shocked by the story of Israeli spouses who died at the hands of terrorists

Oleksiy LutykovWorld
The network was shocked by the story of an Israeli couple killed by terrorists

A married Israeli couple, Adar and Itai Berdychivsky, saved their 10-month-old twins from Hamas terrorists at the cost of their own lives. They left the children in a shelter and met the terrorists with weapons in their hands.

Before they were killed, they managed to eliminate seven Hamas militants. This was reported on Facebook by the Honorary Consul of Israel in the Western Region, Oleh Vyshniakov (to see the photo, scroll to the bottom of the page).

The tragic event took place in Kfar Aza kibbutz. The young parents hid their 10-month-old twins in a bomb shelter and waited for the terrorists in the house. In this way, they managed to distract the militants from the children.

Adar and Itai served in the army and had weapons at home. As a result of the clash with the terrorists, the husband and wife were killed. Before they died, they killed seven militants whose bodies were found on the doorstep of their home.

It is worth noting that the children spent 13 hours in the bomb shelter. Now they are in a safe place.

"They were found by Itay's brother and Adar's father, who had been fighting the terrorists all this time, saved dozens of people, but could not reach their loved ones in time," the statement said.

Social media users expressed their sincere condolences. People also emphasized that the situation in Israel is very similar to the Russian-Ukrainian war. In both cases, terrorists invade and try to take away the most valuable thing from people, their lives. At the same time, people noted the heroism of Israelis and Ukrainians who have to fight for their countries.

As a reminder, Ukrainian diplomats conducted a successful rescue operation and brought a Ukrainian boy out of the city of Sderot in southern Israel. They also managed to find five Ukrainian citizens who were reported missing in southern Israel. In addition, information about the possible death of two Ukrainians near the Gaza Strip is being checked.

Earlier, the Embassy of Ukraine in Israel stated that two Ukrainian citizens were killed during a large-scale Hamas attack on Israel. The bodies are being repatriated.

As reported by OBOZREVATEL, Hamas militants launched a massive attack on Israel on the morning of October 7, firing 5,000 rockets, then broke through the fence near the Gaza Strip and began committing atrocities, killing civilians. The next day, October 8, Israel announced that it would enter a long war with Palestine. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu advised residents of the Gaza Strip to "flee immediately."

By the way, as a result of the bombing, the IDF destroyed several command posts, a command center used by a senior Hamas naval officer, and a facility used by terrorists for reconnaissance.

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