
Investigation shows that employees with links to FSB remain in Moldova after mass expulsion of Russian diplomats

Oleksiy LutykovWorld
Staff with ties to FSB remain in Moldova after expulsion of Russian diplomats

Moldova expelled 45 Russian diplomats and embassy staff between July and August this year. This decision was based on concerns over attempts by the aggressor country Russia to destabilize the situation in the country.

However, Russian employees with ties to the FSB remain in Moldova despite the expulsion. This is reported by Radio Svoboda.

It should be noted that recently there was an investigation that revealed that there were antennas on the roof of the Russian embassy in Chisinau, allowing to listen to telephone conversations. The Moldovan authorities were also concerned that employees of the Foreign Intelligence Service and Russian military intelligence often appeared at the embassy.

After the mass expulsion of diplomats, employees who have ties to Russian intelligence services, particularly the FSB, remain at the embassy. Journalists found out that at least two diplomats have ties with the FSB and two more with Russian military intelligence.

Only 10 accredited diplomats remain in the Russian embassy in Chisinau, including two first secretaries Boris Suchilin and Konstantin Zyablikov. According to publicized databases, they have provisional addresses linked to the Russian Federal Security Service in Moscow.

The Moldovan Foreign Ministry said that the government has taken several decisive steps necessary to counter Russia's destabilizing actions. However, the aggressor country continues to embed personnel linked to the security services in its European embassies.

The Moldovan Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that 45 Russian diplomats with their families left the territory of Chisinau on August 14, returning to Moscow. All departing employees of the Russian embassy were taken to the airport by two buses and several cars.

Moscow threatened Chisinau with the deterioration of relations between the countries. The Moldovan authorities were criticized for the fact that citizens of the Russian Federation located on the territory of Moldova allegedly will not be able to receive quality services from the embassy.

As reported by OBOZREVATEL, Moldova will terminate the agreement signed within the CIS on the creation of the Joint Consultative Commission on Disarmament. The country's Cabinet of Ministers approved the denunciation of this document in August.

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