
Foreign Ministry: Ukrainian woman killed in landslide in Georgia, her child disappeared

Oleksiy LutykovWorld
A Ukrainian woman died as a result of a landslide in Georgia

A Ukrainian woman has died as a result of a landslide in the Georgian village of Shovi. Her child has disappeared. Search operations at the scene are ongoing.

The information about the possible presence of other Ukrainians at the site of the landslide is being checked. This was reported in the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (to see the photo, scroll to the end of the page).

The deceased Ukrainian woman was in the village of Shovi together with her child. The woman's body was found, but the child is missing. Now rescuers are searching for him.

The Ukrainian embassy in Georgia has established contact with relatives of the deceased and is cooperating with the Georgian authorities to prepare the repatriation of the body.

According to the Georgian media, a total of 12 bodies were found at the scene of the accident, but only six of the dead have been identified. Twenty-four people are considered missing.

About 600 people are working at the scene, including rescuers with special equipment and the military. They managed to make their way to the destroyed cottages. There are also several cars found in the ground. Specialists warn that the ground at the site of the landslide is unstable, so rescuers asked volunteers to leave the scene.

The Speaker of the Georgian Parliament Shalva Papuashvili stated that all the victims and their families will be provided with necessary financial support.

A pedestrian bridge in Ivano-Frankivsk was washed away as a result of flooding. There are no casualties.

As reported by OBOZREVATEL, 600 households, basements and road sections were flooded due to downpours in Ivano-Frankivsk. Residents from several settlements are evacuated.

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