
Argentine president changes his mind and will attend the Peace Summit in Switzerland

Nadiya DanyshchukWorld
Javier Milei will attend the Peace Summit after all

Argentine President Javier Milei has changed his mind and will travel to Switzerland for the Peace Summit. He responded to a "special message " sent to him by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Javier Milei made his decision at the last minute. This was reported by the Clarín newspaper.

According to the newspaper, Zelenskyy sent Milei a special message in which he asked that "his Argentine friend be present at least at the opening ceremony of the summit, which will be held in Burgenstock, Switzerland, this Saturday, 15 and Sunday, 16, in support of Ukraine in its war against Russia."

Also, about 20 Argentinean organizations of the Ukrainian diaspora sent a petition to the Libertarian government with the same content.

In addition, according to the newspaper's sources, the Argentine president has also received messages from Washington asking him to travel to Switzerland.

So far, Argentina has made it clear that it adheres to two points of the Peace Formula, which will be presented in Switzerland this weekend: radiological and nuclear safety and the restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity.

In addition, Argentina has also agreed to join the IInternational Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children.

Earlier, the media reported that Argentine President Javier Milei would not go to Europe to participate in the G7 summit in Italy and the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland. He preferred to stay in the country during the national holidays.

As reported, Volodymyr Zelenskyy personally invited Argentine President Javier Milei to participate in the Peace Summit in Switzerland. Zelenskyy said this himself and emphasized that he was constantly in touch with Javier Milei.

Only verified information is available on our Telegram channel OBOZ.UA and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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