
The Ukrainians showed what they are fed at military exercises in Poland and France: discussions have erupted online. Photo

Some liked the menu, others were dissatisfied

The Ukrainian defenders told us about the food that makes up their menu at military exercises abroad. Some were surprised by the food they were given: some liked the quality of the food, while others were dissatisfied.

Photos of the meals served during the exercises abroad are posted online by the military. In particular, Ukrainian defenders showed the food they are fed in France.

The menu includes rice, meat dishes, dairy products, salads, dessert, etc.

The soldiers also spoke about the food at the exercises in Germany. "It was a buffet with lots of side dishes, salads, and meat/fish to choose from, and you took exactly as much as you could eat, because you weren't allowed to throw away food (i.e., not finish it)," said one of the servicewomen.

At the same time, the feedback from defense lawyers studying in Poland is contradictory. Some express dissatisfaction, while others note that the quality of food in this country depends on a particular training center.

In particular, one of the servicemen was outraged by the way he was fed in this NATO country and showed a photo of the food: Polish " barszcz", kaiser rolls, the equivalent of Ukrainian dumplings, pierogi, and "Munich" sausages.

"If you happen to be a soldier and find out that you are going abroad for training, don't rush to rejoice. For your attention, the food of a soldier from the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the basis of a NATO country, namely Poland," he wrote.

The same soldier noted that, in addition, the food provided was not enough.

Others in the comments said that other training centers in Poland served completely different food.

"My boyfriend was also on training in Poland, and the food was really good." "Most likely different training centers, if you can call them that. Mine was right next to the border with the Germans, so he recognized what is in the photo," they write and add a photo of the food.

Earlier, border guards at the front line compared Ukrainian dry rations with those donated by Spain and the UK. All three, according to the defenders, "passed the border control."

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