
"Russians have a five-fold advantage in manpower": DeepState explained what is happening in Avdiivka's industrial zone. Map

Enemy "Panzers" dismantle the remains of buildings in the western part of the district

Fighting for the industrial zone in the south of Avdiivka continues between the Russian occupiers and Ukrainian defenders. The defense forces are bravely fighting off the invaders, but the latter have a fivefold advantage in manpower.

This was reported on the Deep State channel of in-depth analytics. Thus, the Russians continued to put pressure on the industrial zone using tanks and infantry.

Enemy "Panzers" are dismantling the remains of buildings in the western part of the area. At the same time, the enemy's personnel were caught at the moment when a significant number of our fighters retreated towards the private sector.

"Earlier, we wrote that it would be a matter of time before we lost the bridge. Explanation: the most painful thing is not the industrial zone itself but the fact that the defense was breached there, which took place approximately in early November," analysts say.

According to preliminary information, the occupiers have not yet taken the entire area and their military commanders are writing premature statements.

"On the negative side, most of the videos show enemy vehicles being hit by artillery and FPV drones. It seems that Western partners cannot provide enough anti-tank weapons, so FPVs are a game-changer. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are doing their best, but the Russians have at least a fivefold advantage in manpower and a significant advantage in equipment," DeepState added.

As reported by OBOZ.UA:

- According to the morning report of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the occupants continued to try to surround Avdiivka. Over the past day, Ukrainian soldiers repelled 30 enemy attacks with the support of aviation.

- ISW noted that the enemy is using less mechanized capabilities compared to October. According to analysts, the occupiers' new assaults will not lead to their rapid advance.

- The Armed Forces of Ukraine said that the invaders launched the third wave of the assault on Avdiivka, trying to attack "head-on," which had not happened before. The enemy's actions are illogical and are related to the absurd demands of their command.

- Vitalii Barabash, the head of the Avdiivka Military Administration, said that the occupants are "coming from all directions" near Avdiivka, but unlike previous waves of the offensive, they are not advancing in columns.

Only verified information is available on our Telegram OBOZ.UA and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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