
Putin's army wants to force the Dnipro: the captain explained what would happen

Enemy army seeks to return to the right bank of the Dnipro. Source: Russian media

The occupying country, Russia, declares its intention to move troops to the right bank of the Dnipro River and demonstrates some attempts to force the river. However, this is an extremely difficult task that the enemy will not be able to accomplish for objective reasons.

First of all, because the positions of the Defense Forces on the right bank are very strong. This opinion was expressed in an exclusive interview with OBOZ.UA by Volodymyr Zablotskyi, a naval expert, columnist for Defense Express magazine, researcher at the National Military History Museum of Ukraine, and retired captain of the first rank.

"The enemy has already declared this intention and is amassing troops. But he will not succeed. Rather, it should be seen as a means to seize the initiative, which was on our side in this part of the front, here in the south, unlike in Donbas," he said.

According to Zablotskyi, the attempt to force the Dnipro River is contrary to common sense, as this task is virtually impossible to accomplish. "Because we are on a high bank, our artillery can see further and shoot further than the Russians. So, they will not be able to approach the shore."

Speaking about the withdrawal of the Defense Forces from Krynky and Urozhayne, located on the left bank of the Dnipro River, the expert noted: "There was no point in holding the bridgehead when the enemy dominates the air and destroys everything it sees with its drones. Everything has been destroyed there, there is nowhere to gain a foothold, and we were forced to withdraw."

"But we will still liberate the left bank. By the way, we still have footholds on the left bank, closer to Kherson. The situation is dynamic, it is a war," he summarized.

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