
No Victory Parade in Moscow: the Main Directorate of Intelligence predicts the end of the war in Ukraine

Head of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine gave a new interview

Ukraine will not hold a parade in Moscow in honor of the end of a full-scale war. However, Russia should not expect to hold its own parade in Kyiv either.

This statement was made by Kyrylo Budanov, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, in an interview with The Economist recorded in Kyiv. The 37-year-old military officer believes that the Russian Federation will not surrender of its own accord.

The lieutenant general said that war is important for the aggressor country, it has been a constant for it throughout its history.

"We understand that we will not end the war with a victory parade in Moscow. But Moscow should not hope to ever hold such a meeting in Kyiv," the Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine said.

He emphasized that there can be no discussion of a ceasefire or truce on the aggressor's terms.

Commenting on the continuation of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, Budanov noted that despite the slower-than-expected advance, Russia is forced to deploy insufficiently manned reserves to the front line, which it did not plan to deploy until the end of October.

"Contrary to what Russia claims, it has absolutely no strategic reserves," he said. For example, the 25th Combined Arms Army of the Russian Armed Forces, which was formed this year, is now being prematurely deployed to the eastern front in the area of Lyman and Kupyansk.

According to the chief of the Main Directorate of Intelligence, the Russian economy will last only until 2025. The aggressor will run out of weapons in 2026, "maybe even earlier," he suggested. "If everything is fine and Russia has enough resources, why are they looking for them all over the world? The answer is obvious. There is nothing more to extract," Budanov commented on Moscow's talks with the DPRK.

As OBOZREVATEL previously reported:

- Kyrylo Budanov named three main goals of Ukraine during kamikaze drone strikes on the Russian occupiers. One of them is the destruction of enemy air defense systems.

- The head of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine believes that: The Ukrainian Defense Forces may be able to cut off Russia's land communication with the occupied Crimea before the onset of winter.

Only verified information on our Telegram channel Obozrevatel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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