
The current support of world leaders is not enough for Ukraine to liberate all its territories - Czech president

Petr Pavel assesses the level of military assistance to Ukraine. Source: Jan Handrejch, Právo

Czech President Petr Pavel commented on the level of support provided by our partners to Ukraine. According to him, military assistance would be sufficient if our country could fully regain its territory.

However, this is not possible now, the politician said. Pavel made the statement during a conversation at the Atlantic Council during a visit to Texas the day after the Washington NATO summit, Voice of America reports.

"It would be enough if its level allowed Ukraine to fully regain its territory. At the moment, this is unrealistic. We must remember who the enemy is," he said.

According to the President, Russia has much more resources than Ukraine with all the provided assistance.

"I believe that if Ukraine is ready to hold its territory, this will be our success in the foreseeable future. We cannot expect any significant breakthrough on the front line," Pavel added.

He also explained why supporting Ukraine should be important for all countries of the free world.

"We should all care about what is happening in Ukraine because this is not a war for the territory of Ukraine, it is a war for principles. Russia believes that they can achieve their long-term political goals by military force. They disregard the international order, the international law. They just want to restore the 'greatness' of the Soviet Union," the politician said.

As reported, Ukraine expects to receive six F-16 fighters from partner countries this summer, and up to 20 aircraft by the end of 2024. The long-awaited decision to send combat aircraft was complicated by the partners' concerns, including the fact that Ukraine does not have enough runways and that those that are there are vulnerable to attacks by the aggressor country Russia.

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