
"Russia is not looking for an honest peace. Putin only wants war." Zelenskyy spoke in the Rada and presented the Victory Plan. Main theses

Zelenskyy presented the Victory Plan in the Rada. Source: PROSECUTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE

On Wednesday, October 16, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivered a speech to the Verkhovna Rada. In particular, the head of state presented a new strategic Victory Plan aimed at achieving decisive steps in the war and further development of the country.

This plan is a strategy for forcing the aggressor state of Russia to a fair end to the war. It was broadcasted on the President's page.

"The plan of victory of Ukraine is a plan to strengthen our state, to strengthen our positions. To be strong enough to end the war. For Ukraine to be with all its muscles. This Plan can be implemented. It depends on our partners. I emphasize: on our partners. It does not depend on Russia. Everyone in the world sees that Russia is not looking for an honest peace. Putin has gone mad and wants only war. He will not change on his own. He is too much from the past. He's too much of yesterday. He is deaf to everyone else. But, together with our partners, we must change the circumstances so that the war ends. Regardless of what Putin wants. We all have to change the circumstances so that Russia is forced to peace," Zelenskyy said.

''Russia is not looking for an honest peace. Putin only wants war.'' Zelenskyy spoke in the Rada and presented the Victory Plan. Main theses

He reminded that two years ago, at the G20 summit in Indonesia, the Peace Formula was proposed – a strategy to stop Russian aggression against Ukraine and restore justice based on the principles of the UN Charter. Since then, nearly a hundred countries have supported the Formula. Zelenskyy expressed gratitude to each of them.

"We successfully held the inaugural Peace Summit, which confirmed the effectiveness of this format to end the war. However, Russia continues to evade honest diplomacy by issuing ultimatums during shelling. This must be stopped. No Russian ultimatum will affect Ukraine, because our unity is the basis of our strength. The Victory Plan is aimed at strengthening Ukraine in order not only to defend our positions, but also to pave the way for the second Peace Summit, which should put an end to the war. I want to publicly present this plan and appeal to you to support Ukraine," the Head of State said.

According to him, the victory plan is aimed at strengthening Ukraine, which will allow not only to protect its positions, but also to create conditions for the second Peace Summit. The President called for the urgent implementation of the plan, emphasizing that most of its points have clear time limits, and if we start acting now, the war can end by next year.

''Russia is not looking for an honest peace. Putin only wants war.'' Zelenskyy spoke in the Rada and presented the Victory Plan. Main theses

Zelenskyy emphasized that Russian aggression cannot be "frozen" or considered in the context of territorial concessions. The victory plan is aimed at forcing Russia to reach an agreement at the Peace Summit and end the war.

"And we have to be honest, Ukrainians and all our partners, if we do not step up now, Putin will have time to step up next year to reject diplomacy forever. Russia must lose the war against Ukraine. And this is not a "freeze." And it is not trading Ukraine's territory or sovereignty. We have to implement the Victory Plan to force Russia to attend the Peace Summit and be ready to end the war," the Head of State emphasized.

Zelenskyy's victory plan

The draft contains five points, three of which are classified. Four of these points relate to the current military situation, and the fifth is planned for the postwar period.

The first point is geopolitical: it involves inviting Ukraine to join NATO at this stage.

Zelenskyy emphasized that Russia has been taking advantage of geopolitical uncertainty in Europe for decades, including the fact that Ukraine is not a NATO member. This is what prompted Russia to encroach on Ukrainian security.

"Now the fact that Ukraine is invited to join NATO can be really fundamental for peace. We understand that NATO membership is a matter of the future, not the present. But Putin must see that his geopolitical calculations are losing. Russians need to feel that their tsar has lost geopolitically," he said.

He believes that the invitation is a powerful step that requires only determination. Today it symbolizes much more than just NATO.

"Decisiveness on the NATO issue for Ukraine also means the inevitability of European integration for Ukraine and the fact that there is no alternative to democracy in Ukraine. That is why this is the initial point of the Victory Plan. It is a sign of determination. An unconditional invitation now," the President added.

''Russia is not looking for an honest peace. Putin only wants war.'' Zelenskyy spoke in the Rada and presented the Victory Plan. Main theses

The second point concerns defense: its implementation involves continuing operations on enemy territory, as well as support from partners in forming reserve brigades, improving air defense, lifting restrictions on strikes on military targets, and providing long-range capabilities.

"It is realistic to defend our positions on the battlefield in Ukraine and at the same time bring the war back to Russia, so that Russians feel what war is and, despite Russian propaganda, start turning their hatred toward the Kremlin. We are not naive," Zelenskyy said.

He emphasized that there is a clear list of weapons that can support such a force of our soldiers, and thanks to the Kursk operation, we have seen that Putin does not have enough strength to hold on when Ukraine is pressing hard.

The third point is related to deterrence and has a secret application. When Russia learns about its terms, it may encourage it to negotiate. It is about the possibility of a non-nuclear deterrence package to protect Ukraine from any threats.

"The Russian leadership acts aggressively only when it is convinced that it will not receive an adequate destructive response. When Russia knows that there will be a response and understands what kind of response it will be, it chooses negotiations and stable coexistence even with strategic adversaries. Thanks to this, it is possible to deter Russia from aggression against Ukraine and the whole of Europe," Zelenskyy emphasized.

''Russia is not looking for an honest peace. Putin only wants war.'' Zelenskyy spoke in the Rada and presented the Victory Plan. Main theses

The fourth point emphasizes strategic economic potential: it also contains a secret annex. It proposes an agreement between the US and the EU aimed at protecting Ukraine's resources and utilizing its economic potential, which could ensure peace through economic power.

The President noted that Ukraine possesses significant natural resources, including critical metals, which are estimated to be worth trillions of dollars. Among these resources are uranium, titanium, lithium, graphite, and other strategically valuable materials that can strengthen the positions of Russia and its allies, as well as Ukraine and the democratic world in global competition.

He emphasized that Ukraine's critical resource deposits, along with its energy and food production potential, are among the main targets of Russia's aggression in the war.

According to Zelenskyy, an agreement with the United States would be an important addition to the existing system of economic pressure on Russia, which includes sanctions, oil price caps, and export bans.

The fifth point concerns the postwar period: Ukraine will receive an experienced military contingent capable of guaranteeing security in Europe. If the partners agree, Ukrainian troops could replace U.S. troops in Europe after the war is over.

"After this war, Ukraine will have one of the most experienced and largest military contingents. These people are our soldiers who will have real experience of modern warfare, successful experience in the use of Western weapons, and diverse experience of interaction with NATO troops," Zelenskyy said.

He noted that this Ukrainian experience should be used to strengthen the Alliance's defense and ensure security in Europe.

"This is a worthy mission for our heroes. We envisage, if the partners agree, the replacement of certain military contingents of the US Armed Forces stationed in Europe with Ukrainian units. After the war. Ukrainians have proven that they can be a force that Russian evil cannot overcome. And I am grateful to every partner, to everyone with whom we have discussed this perspective for the post-war period, grateful for their respect for Ukrainians and our ability to be invincible in the Alliance with our partners," he added.

''Russia is not looking for an honest peace. Putin only wants war.'' Zelenskyy spoke in the Rada and presented the Victory Plan. Main theses

Ukraine's Ambassador to Germany, Oleksii Makeiev, recently stated that Kyiv is preparing to present its detailed Plan for Victory in the War in the coming days.

This strategy, according to the diplomat, will include military, diplomatic, and economic measures aimed at forcing the Russian Federation to stop hostilities and come to the negotiating table.

During his visit to the United States, Zelenskyy presented the Victory Plan to President Joe Biden, as well as to both presidential candidates. Summarizing the trip, the Ukrainian leader said that it was possible to force Russia to respect the rules, and Ukraine had received full support for the strategy of bringing peace.

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken recently assured that the U.S. is carefully studying Zelenskyy's Victory Plan. Washington is also determining the next steps that would help Ukrainians win the war with Russia.

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