
"If Ukraine receives help, it will be able to win this war": Zelenskyy delivers a speech in US Senate. Photo

Zelenskyy arrives in Congress. Source: Zelenskyy's Telegram

During a meeting with U.S. senators in Congress, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that if he receives help from the United States, he will be able to win this war. At the same time, a victory for Russian dictator Vladimir Putin in the war would mean danger for the United States.

This was stated by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer following a meeting with the Ukrainian president, The Guardian reports. American lawmakers greeted the Ukrainian president warmly.

"If Ukraine receives help, it will be able to win this war," the head of the Ukrainian state assured.

"He (Zelenskyy - ed.) also made it clear that if we lose, Putin will win. It will be very dangerous for the United States," Schumer emphasized.

According to two senators who attended the meeting, Zelenskyy tried to allay the senators' concerns about corruption in Ukraine.

''If Ukraine receives help, it will be able to win this war'': Zelenskyy delivers a speech in US Senate. Photo

He tried to convince his interlocutors that this is not a serious problem and is not a reason for them not to provide US funds. However, it is noted that Zelenskyy did not put pressure on the issue of border policy in the bill on financing aid.

The president himself noted that the meeting was friendly and frank on Telegram.

"I told the senators about the current security and economic situation in Ukraine, the importance of maintaining vital American support. I answered questions," Zelenskyy said.

He thanked Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell for consolidating bipartisan support for our country and people.

''If Ukraine receives help, it will be able to win this war'': Zelenskyy delivers a speech in US Senate. Photo
''If Ukraine receives help, it will be able to win this war'': Zelenskyy delivers a speech in US Senate. Photo
''If Ukraine receives help, it will be able to win this war'': Zelenskyy delivers a speech in US Senate. Photo
''If Ukraine receives help, it will be able to win this war'': Zelenskyy delivers a speech in US Senate. Photo
''If Ukraine receives help, it will be able to win this war'': Zelenskyy delivers a speech in US Senate. Photo

After that, President Zelenskyy met with Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, and then with U.S. President Joe Biden.

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