
China could influence Putin to end the war with Ukraine - Finnish president

President of Finland Alexander Stubb. Source: Marina Takimoto

Finnish President Alexander Stubb said that China has the opportunity to play a key role in establishing peace in Ukraine. According to him, it is Beijing that can influence Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

At the same time, Stubb rejected the so-called "peace proposals" voiced by the Kremlin leader the day before. This was reported by Yle.

The Finnish president called on China to influence Russian dictator Putin to end the war against Ukraine. He also directly addressed the Kremlin dictator and called on him to stop the armed aggression against Ukraine. He added that Putin's proposals, which were made on the eve of the Peace Summit in Switzerland, have nothing to do with ending the war.

At the same time, Stubb emphasized the importance of the global South in achieving peace.

"There are many representatives from Latin America, Africa, Asia, and especially the Middle East at the summit in Switzerland. This gives me hope that we will be able to get on the path to peace, and I think it is important that this happens on Ukraine's terms," the Finnish president said.

As a reminder, it is reported that dictator Vladimir Putin imitates interest in peace talks with Ukraine but in reality seeks the complete destruction of Ukrainian statehood. At the same time, Russia is preparing for a possible war with NATO. Therefore, the Kremlin views the victory over Ukraine as the beginning of a war against the North Atlantic Alliance.

Earlier, US Permanent Representative to NATO Kurt Volker said that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is not afraid of NATO. In fact, the Kremlin leader constantly uses the Alliance in his narratives to justify his aggression.

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